What's up タディちゃん
    the Todd Rudick/Rikai.com blog
  UTF-8 pages now work!
Finally I support unicode pages in Japanese mode. In the past, few pages used this since browser support was lousy. How things have changed (jeez, to think how much work I put into netscape 4 support!).
  Phrases & Kanji on your site!
By popular demand--you can now include
Kanji Of The Day and/or
Today's Phrase on your own site with just one line of javascript! Click the ? icon in the module for details.
  New web tool
I've added a new mediator to help people who are concerned about web-robots for whatever reason. If you think about it, Rikai can be a disaster if this doesn't work right, which is why I used to just block them all.
Anyway, this should be generally useful for anyone running a web-site, so please give me suggestions on how it could better show a page from the viewpoint of search engines, etc.
  Today's Kanji
updated... Now you can get a specific card or reload random one's to your hearts content.
Click on the ? icon in the module's chrome.
  Google ads
I had resisted ads on Rikai up until now. A combination of very low contributions this year and rave reviews of the job google does led me to try it. I hope they aren't too annoying--please let me know. But wow, I'm incredibly impressed with the relevance of what I've seen so far--I own several of the products I see there myself. Good job google (I can't wait for GMail!).

Anyway, please do take a moment to help cover costs via the amazon donation box if you use Rikai regularly--I'm not holding my breath for a web-banner windfall.
  News Items Fixed!
... for English and Japanese. So the main links on the page are now current. Hopefully it'll be more stable. Sorry for leaving this for so long!
  New palm goodies
Updated to include a kanji file for the supermemo flashcard proggie
Starting a brand new blog!

One man's $0.02. A diary of updates in the life and work of Todd Rudick, creator of Rikai.com.

05/2004 / 06/2004 / 09/2004 / 10/2004 / 11/2004 / 12/2004 / 05/2005 / 11/2005 / 05/2007 / 08/2009 / 01/2010 / 04/2011 / 05/2011 /


  • Renfield

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