Rikai for Android!
Well, as one might have guessed my
Boggle like Game "Bogged" was just a warm-up for a rikai-like thingy I wanted to write. Android browsers don't yet support proper extensions, and running javascript on java on a phone processing an entire dictionary in memory just isn't going to work anytime soon. Nor will my original
rikai.com site, given the limited bandwidth.
So I wrote rikaixul / rikaichan / rikaikun like functionality in Java, on android. Took a lot of hackery, and there's a lot more I can do with it I think (I'd especially like to take a swipe at auto-creation of anki cards, etc.).
Anyway, if you have an Android phone and want to play with the initial release,
here's Rikai on Android for you.
Bogged (Boggle clone for Android)
I've published my first android app. A game called "Bogged" similar to the classic Boggle.
It was really just a simple thing to teach myself how to do this, but I think it's probably the snazziest version available. Let me know what you think!
Labels: android bogged boggle game
I'm a granddad!
Thanks to the GPL, there's now rikai functionality for Google Chrome, based on my my rikaixul experiment from 6 years ago. Long live free software!