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  Rikai-like Firefox plugin
(note: this article is out of date. Please see http://rikaixul.mozdev.org/installation.html for the latest version)

For firefox users, I've integrated the new popup code with my abandoned rikaixul project, and voila--popups on any web-page (intranet, etc.) without having to use rikai. See my post here
Installed on a Mac, I only can get the definitions for single characters, not whole words as I do when going through the RIKAI.com page.
It should work like the new experimental code I tried last week--i.e., it should try to match the longest matches possible from whereever you point, and then display successively smaller matches below that. So if you point at the first character of a compound, you should see the compound. No?
Works great!!!!!
Its a great extension. I was wondering if it was possible to get something similar working for thunderbird?
Or alternatively is it possible to pass japanese text to rikai.com via a url address? (if so I should be able to use the dictionary extension to serve this purpose).
Yes, it's possible to send text to Rikai with a URL like:

I'm not sure how flexible the dictionary plugin is though with encodings. That needs to be EUC. I could easily make the URL accept unicode URLs (of the form %uxxxx) if that's needed.

Anyway, if it works and there's a list of default dictionaries to hit, please feel free to have them add Rikai!
Yeah im thinking that the dictionary plugin doesnt support EUC encoding coz when I tried looking up the kanji for "kanji" it resulted in "%22W".
Whether thats an encoding problem or not, I'm not too sure...
Have you thought about making a small extension for thunderbird to do this? I dont have much programming knowledge, but it seems like it would be fairly easy to do (and very useful) :)
I installed the plug in and it won't work at all, I only get java script errors: "undefined, line undefined: [object Event]" and some files not found. Wonder if some other extension is in conflict. Great site though, recently discovered it.
Can you tell me some more information? Exactly what version of Firefox, on what platform, against what site, e.g. If you would use the feedback form and give me your e-mail, we can try to figure it out together.
It seems to be working for most people, so perhaps you have a setup I haven't seen yet.
Thank you for the plugin! I installed it yesterday and noticed the "JavaScript Error" messages as well. But it might be just "normal" web page javascript errors as it doesn't seem to affect the plugin at all. I just commented out the "window.onerror=rikaixul_warnError;" line on mine. Works for me anyway...
Thank you for this awesome extension. I just want to confirm I was also getting the

javascript error: undefined, line undefined: [object event]

errors on certain pages with java content with no effect on the functionality of the extension at all. I also stopped it from appearing by commenting out the window.onerror=rikaixul_warnError; in rikaipopups.js.

I'm using FF 1.0.1 on Windows XP Pro US (region set to Japanese)and an example of a site where I would see the error is http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4343119.stm

I'll send you my e-mail and name from the feedback form as well.
Is there a way to get this to work on sites that require a log in? It works fine on sites that don't, but when trying it on mixi.jp, it doesn't seem to do anything useful.
I wouldn't be able to pass the link to rikai.com either because it will just be redirected to the front page.

Any suggestions?
Sorry, It is my post above. I reinstalled Firefox and it works now. Something strange was happening before.
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